The epiphytic lactic acid bacteria population on plants is characterized by a huge variation. Moreover, especially the first cut on grass and whole crop silages are infected by a variety of other undesired microorganisms like yeasts and moulds (see table 1).
Table. 1: Microorganisms on the forage and their demands to develop

Source: H.Jeroch,G Flachowsky, F.Weißbach: Futtermittelkunde; Jena/Stuttgart 1993, amended
• The ability of lactic acid bacteria to produce fast much lactic acid varies a lot. This ability can neither be related to species or types, nor to maturity stages, crop rotations, fertilizers or fertilization intensity; thus it can’t be defined precisely.
• In about 80% of all cases the natural lactic acid bacteria population is not sufficient in order to achieve a fast drop down of pH value (in less than three days). This applies also to maize silage although maize silage is rather easy ensilable due to a high amount of fermentable carbohydrates.
• The addition of active lactic acid bacteria as BIO-SIL® is an important implication for the production of top silages