Bio-sil can be used not only for cows’ feed, but also can be very effective for other animals. Below you will find long-term studies on the effectiveness of Bio-Sil for different animals.
Long-term study with pigs for fattening using silage manufactured with BIO-SIL®
In a feeding experiment at the pig-fattening facility „SMA Körlitz“ the influence of a liquid compound feed on live weight gain and feed conversion rate of 15860 pigs was determined. A control diet, which comprised CCM preserved with propionic acid was fed in the first experimental year. In the second year the animals received feed containing silage, which was produced with BIO-SIL®. In comparison to the conventional diet without silage, no negative effects were observed. The body weight gain could be increased from 810 g/day in the first year up to 931 g/day in the second year and, in combination with additional measures, the animal loss was decreased to 0.96 %.
Influence of the lactic acid bacteria containing product BIO-SIL® (strains Lactobacillus plantarum DSM 8862 und DSM 8866) on the quality of grass and maize silage from 1999 and on feeding parameters from high-producing cows in a farm in Schleswig-Holstein
In this long term study with dairy cows it was tested if silage treated with BIO-SIL® influences performance features of the cows. At a farm in Barkhorn (Germany), grass and maize silages were produced according good agricultural practice and administered in a periodical feeding experiment. All dairy cows from the farm were used for the trial. During the six months trial-period the number of the involved cows fluctuated between 160 and 205 animals due to the management practice. The performance level of the herd was 8266 kg milk with 4.42 % fat and 3.84 % protein and a total of 654 fat-protein kilograms. During the whole experimental period, all lactating cows of the herd were in one feeding group. Every 4 weeks, the components of the basal diet were changed (with LAB treated and untreated grass- and corn silage). The diet composition based on the silage analysis, which was done before the start of the feeding experiment. After the first feeding period (period 1 = untreated silage, period 2 = treated silage) the diet was adjusted due to increased performance of the animals. Therefore the ration of the second feeding period was available until the end of the experiment.
Each feeding period took 4 weeks. A one-week acclimatization period was followed by a three-weeks experimental period with data acquisition. The test consisted of six feeding periods. Each feeding variant had 3 periods for analysis.
Treatment with LAB did not influence feed intake of the animals (Tab.1). Treatment of silages with LAB significantly increased milk yield (ECM). In addition to treatment of the silages, significant effects on milk yield were also observed for feeding phase (ration change), stable temperature, live weight and mean lactation number. Taking these parameters into consideration as correction factors, the data analysis still revealed the significant effect of silage treatment on milk yield in this study.
Table 1. Parameter of the milk performance and the feed intake while feeding of untreated and with BIO-SIL® treated grass- and maize silage as part of a total mixed ration (corrected for the effects of feeding period, stable temperature, live weight and lactation number, mean of 3 repetitions each 21 days)

Treatment with BIO-SIL® increased milk performance by around 1.0 kg energy-corrected milk/day. The fact that the differences in milk performance between treatment variant and control variant, even without correction, was 1.0 kg ECM/day, suggests that all considered systematic influence factors during the feed experiment are approximately resolved.
Influence of the lactic acid bacteria containing product BIO-SIL® on the quality of grass silage from the first growth and on the performance of dairy cows
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of treatments of grass silages with BIO-SIL® on silage fermentation, feed quality and performance of high yielding cows. This study was part of doctoral thesis of J. Thaysen and summarizes the results of a feeding trial, conducted with dairy cows in a crossing-over design. For this purpose, within a cooperation project, silage was manufactured in large scale and feeding trials were conducted during1 year. Cooperation partners were the Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology of the Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, the Education and Research Institute for Livestock Husbandry and Technology, Sachsen-Anhalt at Iden and Dipl.-Ing. agr. Johannes Thaysen.
On the grassland area of the Education and Research Institute for Livestock Husbandry and Technology at Iden, two different grassland crops were used to produce silage. Approximately 250 tons of untreated silage and 250 tons of BIO-SIL® treated silage were stored in separate silos.
To conduct the dairy cattle experiment, cows from the Education and Research Institute for Livestock Husbandry and Technology, Sachsen-Anhalt at Iden were used. The performance level of the herd was 9009 kg milk with 4.28 % fat and 3.55 % protein, and a total of 706 fat-protein-kilograms. In order to elucidate possible effects of silage preparation on feed intake or performance of the animals, the group allocation was changed (conduction of period change) during the experimental period. During the feeding experiment all animals were kept as one group in group pens. Troughs with scale and single-animal-identification were used to determine individual feed intake. The total mixed ration containing grass silage, maize silage, CCM silage, squeezed barley, and soy bean meal was mixed once a day and offered ad libitum. Cows were milked twice daily.
Grassland forages (main plant species: perennial ryegrass) were ensiled in the target dry matter range of 35 – 40 % in the optimal silo ripe stage. The Sugar/Buffering Capacity-coefficient of 2.4 was relatively high. This coefficient, together with a fermentability coefficient of 53, indicated that a good fermentation quality of the silages could be expected. After ensiling, the dry matter content of the silages was approximately 43 %. The treatment with lactic acid bacteria (BIO-SIL®) influenced fermentation parameters (pH, lactic acid, acetic acid, butyric acid, ethanol, NH3-N) and the content of β-carotene.
At the end of the feeding experiment, cows that were fed with BIO-SIL® treated silage yielded significantly more milk (0.5 kg/day) compared to the control group (Tab. 2). Due to
a significantly lower milk fat content in the BIO-SIL® treated group, no differences for fat-corrected milk (FCM) and energy corrected milk were observed. Further components of milk, i.e. protein, lactose, and urea did not differ between groups. Also, no differences in body weight change were observed. Cows fed with BIO-SIL® treated silage, had significantly higher feed intake (0.3 kg per cow and day) than the control animals. This difference based on a significantly higher forage intake since intake of concentrate was not different between both groups.
Table 2. Parameters of feed intake, milk performance and life weight gain of experimental animals after feeding untreated grass silage or BIO-SIL® treated grass silage as part of the total mixed ration

Feeding silages, treated with the product of Lactobacillus plantarum DSM 8862 and Lactobacillus plantarum DSM 8866 (BIO-SIL®) does not negatively influence the milk performance, feed intake and growth performance of dairy cows.
At the farm “AGRASET Naundorf eG.” grass and maize silage, manufactured with BIO-SIL®, were admixed to the rations for goats since May 2008. The aim of the study was to stabilize the milk performance, milk composition and to extend the duration of lactation of dairy goats. This should be achieved by increasing the percentage of silage and simultaneously decreasing the amount of hay and expensive supplements in the diet.
Total 570 female animals from birth to the sixth lactation of the breed “Weiße Deutsche Edelziege” were fed with silage containing diets. The goats were allocated to groups according to the lactation stage and received different total mixed rations on the basis of grass- and maize silage. In February 2010 the percentage of grass silage in the diet was increased and the percentage of milk performance feed and hay was decreased.
For data acquisition total milk amount, daily milking average, fat-, protein- and urea content as well as cell numbers of the milk were detected of each group within the milk control. During the observation period it could be demonstrated that the fresh milking goats had the highest energetic and protein requirements for the daily corrected milk performance. One individual group achieved the highest milk average of 4.3 kg/day in August 2010. For the first time one group was able to keep the milk performance of approximately 3.0 kg/day for about 450 days. Usually, 260 milking days are assumed for the breed „Weiße Deutsche Edelziege“. Feeding silage produced with BIO-SIL® did not cause any health problem or performance losses.
Grass silage in combination with hay as additional feed was administered at several farms in the surrounding of Grabstede. The objective was to determine the horses’ compatibility on fodder, manufactured from plants of arable grassland and the silage additive BIO-SIL®. All investigated horses suffered from respiratory problems due to dust exposure, which is a common allergic reaction on very dry forage. To feed silage with a dry matter content of about 50%, manufactured with BIO-SIL®, in combination with hay could be a possible way to avoid allergic reaction caused by dust. The feeding was carried out with 50 horses, which ate silage produced with BIO-SIL®. No negative effects at the performances of the animals were observed. The number of coughing fits and respiratory problems were reduced.