A new inoculant, BIO-SIL®, which is proven to work equally well in improving the quality of grass and crop silages, is now available in Northern Ireland.

The product has a 25-year history of proven on farm use in Europe. In addition, extensive research and trial work have confirmed the benefits of using BIO-SIL® to deliver improved forage quality.
“It all adds up to more milk, improved milk quality and enhanced dairy liveweight gains when BIO-SIL® treated silages are offered to cattle of all ages,” confirmed
Frank Foster, the man behind the development of the BIO-SIL® brand in Northern Ireland.
He added:
“BIO-SIL® also represents tremendous value-for-money in terms of delivering improved performance from forage on all dairy and livestock farms.”
BIO-SIL® has been officially approved by the German Agricultural Society (DLG) to improve fermentation in a wide range of forages while also boosting forage digestibility and milk yield.”
The inoculant promotes the rapid production of lactic acid in fresh forage to quickly produce a low pH and stable ensiling conditions across a very wide range of crop sources.
This rapid pH drop is achieved within a period of between one and two days, leading to the elimination of years and moulds.
Frank Foster again:
“Trials have confirmed that BIO-SIL® acts to reduce dry matter losses; reduce protein degradation; increase energy concentration; increase forage digestibility while also improving forage intakes by between 0.5 and 1.5kgs per day.
“The end result is an improved milk output of up to two litres per cow per day.”
“BIO-SIL® treated forages can be fed out as soon as seven days after the ensiling process hs taken place.”
BIO-SIL® is available in powder form and comes in 100g sachets. The inoculant is easily dissolvable in water and can be applied using a standard liquid applicator. Each sachet contains enough inoculant to treat 100 tonnes of forage.”
Frank Foster concluded:
“In the right conditions, BIO-SIL® will remain active for 72 hours after mixing. This is another benefit of the inoculant: providing flexibility if the harvest process is halted because of bad weather or a mechanical breakdown.